We Can Only Do So Much

I always emphasize that this blog is about reminding myself, it should not reflect on other people. As we just human, who are we to judge people.

As much as i want, i want to be kind to everyone. But how far can we go? When people ask for help, most of the time every human are willing to help. It is just natural. It will motivate you that the fact you have done a good deed. But i bet everyone had experience when while you are giving the help, the person you are helping makes you feel as if you are the one who wanting to help instead. In simple Malay "terhegeh-hegeh nak menolong".

I reckon this is one of the reason why we see today people are "reluctant" to help. We are scared. We don't want to be labelled "terhegeh-hegeh". And i can understand why because i've felt the same for so many times.

But did i ever quit? No. Because we can only do so much. We can't decide for everything. We can't tell people what to think.

Be Kind. Be Nice. Be Helpful.



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