Inspired to Run

I always wanted to run again. My back will not allow me to force myself to run as i used to. Unexpectedly today, i read a blog from a man who is twice my age yet still having the spirit to run a marathon. He had been in coma a few years back due to an accident.

i will write more later. it is time to run (or rather walk!)

Ok, i just finished my 20 min walk. It is a combination of slow walk and fast walk. I will keep this pace for a week then only i will add to 30 min walk. This will last for a few weeks until i am ready to run again. Since Ramadhan is coming, a night walk would be nice.

Feel free to check this blog



  1. walking is the best exercise around. at our age treasure your knee joint. so dont run. just walk. bring your kids together to make it more fun. start with low frequency weekly. once it become a habit you will get it worth. ENJOY IT

  2. dear Anonymous,
    you are absolutely right! thanks!


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