1st Ramadhan and Malik's Birthday Bash

'Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan' to all Muslims. We had our first iftar at rumah Mak Teh, together with other family members. This was like our standard practice for the last, i don't know, for many years i guess.

At the end of the event, we were having Malik's 6th birthday bash. Every young ones took turn to blow the candles.

Now, let's start a countdown for Syawal!!



  1. Your entry mengantuk really buat I mengantuk. It's like listening to a doctor, explaining in details about a disease using medical jargons. Great!

    Aish best u nih ada bini to cook for sahur and buka... I nih hari2 pi menjengah pasar ramadhan ok.

  2. ish, ok nih .. i ada hari yg my wife on-call .. kena beli jugak le .. so lepas ni u boleh pegi tido .. *evil dooze*


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