It Is OK to Forget!

There are reasons on why human must forget. The brain is designed to accept certain input and input overflow can cause a person to become insane, lost, metally ill etc. Have you ever watched a movie called Rain Man, where Dustin Hoffman could memorize the whole Yellow Pages but can barely manage himself? That is what happened when there are too much input but no output. Our brain can only accept a certain amount of information at one go. To be able to add more input, we must erase some and hence we tend to forget.

So be glad when you are forgetting of something. As we humans are referred as "an-nas" in the holy Quran, which means "the forgetful ones". That's why you can see certain "ayat" are being repeated in the same "surah". This is to show how weak and forgetful we are! Nevertheless, be thankful!

p/s: Looks like i am forgetting something down there .. hehe



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