He's All Grown Up!

Malik will be 6 years old on 21st August 2009. Time has gone by, too fast. I still remember when i had my first outing alone with him, just the two of us. He just turned 1 that time. He can't even walk.

But he started to talk at such early age. He first called me 'ayah' when he was 9 months old. Then the rest, are just history. He can memorize all the car's logo that are belong to the family members when he was 16 months old. A Nissan signboard will make him quickly say ayah. A Honda advert in a paper and he will say Atuk or a Proton logo somewhere and he will say mama.
I wish i could write every single thing that he had done for the last six years, but that is virtually impossible. As for me, i will remember every moment .. not the day itself.
Happy 6th Birthday Malik!
p/s: Ayah loves u so much!


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