Social Obligation

I had promised to a friend, an avid blogger, that i would start putting something significant to my blog. So, here it is, my first "social obligation". As promise is a promise.

I had a meeting today. We were hosting to a few "industrial leading" local defence/military solution provider. This meeting was initiated by the Ministry of Defence (Malaysia of course) as a working group to spearhead development of our own products.

The bad part, i was appointed as the secretariat of the working group. Yes, a secretary with no skirt is not what people expected.

The good part, i was sitting with most of the hot shots, where opportunity to 'jump ship' is even closer whenever big project is secured. When i said big project, it is at least RM50mil and above. Big project means big incentive.

The ugly part, i can't stand when someone who has a prefix with 'Dr' would think he knows everything. If you struggle to explain on a terminology, then you still have a lot to learn. It does not need to be exact, but a conceptual understanding should be acceptable. I have worked and still working, hand in hand with those Captains (Naval and Army. Oh only recently i know that Naval Captain is way higher in rank compares to Army Captain), Commanders, Admirals and yes, ex-Navy Chief. These people speak with utmost accuracy in knowledge, for which i would just nod my head most of the time. So to a 'Dr' who used to lecture and stuck in the compound of an institution, i don't give so much attention.

So Miss S, there you go, my first 'social obligation'. Promise is a promise.



  1. Speaking of navy, I have hot crush for them you tau! So, introduce me to a few of them!!! Pick the one yang handsome2 and baik for me ok.


  2. oh no Miss S, do u really wanna hear them sing "In the Navy" by Village People?


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