Kota Bharu Day 1 Part 1

We were scheduled to depart at 9am. My instruction to the two bots were to sleep early (successful) and to wake up early (unsuccessful). The two bots decided to take extra sleep while i decided to figure out if i could repair my car receiver.

I opened the bonet (that's hood if u live in the States). Took out the fuse box lid. By using a long nose plier, i pulled the fuse, it says 15A correspond to the label "radio". I was testing my luck, rotated the fuse 180 degree. Now the label 15A reads upside down. Heck, i was trying my luck. I had done my trial and error with electronics worth millions of ringgit (sshhh .. don't tell anyone). So a trial and error for a cheapo receiver posed no harm.

Then "voila!!" ... the receiver worked! After 4 months of no entertainment in the car, finally i could have a decent entertainment and keep my saving for PSP. Not for me, but for the bots. So now we could enjoy the trip with some easy listening.

next, Part 2.



  1. actually the radio is not for the 2 bots to enjoy... but for papa bots nih :)

  2. ye la, 7 hours driving maahhh ... nasib baik sampai2 terus makan durian ... recover balik lost energy .. muahahaha


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