Kota Bharu Day 1 Part 2

We arrived in Machang at about 4:30pm. I have two sisters whose houses are side by side. They bought 2 acres of hilly land and divided into two. Half of the land was flattened and they built two 1-storey bungalows. The other half was left untouched, upon which it becoming the orchard for durian, rambutan and cempedak.

The durian "belum masak". so we only had rambutan left. The trees were full of "kerengga", so we cut off the trunks with fruits. Since i was craving for durian, my brother in-law did get me special "local durian" from deep inside the village. It is just durian kampung but i am very sure it taste diffently.

So we off to Kota Bharu at 6pm and arrived at my parents house at 7pm. Our initial plan was to meet Mek Ta @ Dr Nik Azrita at White House at 10pm. For those who are not familiar with White House, it is an old style kopitiam which had been in the same place since the early 70s. It is exactly in front of the Masjid Besar Kota Bharu. I used to live behind that masjid from 73-81, so this place is definitely full of memories for me.

Short introduction on Mek Ta: Me and Mek Ta had known each other for 25 years now ever since MRSMKB days and had been in the same class on and off. But for sure, we were in the same English class for 5 years! She had this English accent "yg gila babi pekat" to our Kelantanese standard. Of course, this is normal for those who came from ZS (Zainab School - full of glamorous ppl).
Then she went to India (hehe, we have this personal jokes on India) to study medicine and that's how she met my wife. So it is like i am married to my "best friend's best friend" and vice versa. Mek ta is now the O&G specialist in Hospital Kuala Krai and sometimes in Hospital Machang. So go get her if you (or your wife) somehow admitted to those hospitals.

But White House was closed at night recently and i didn't know that. So we off to another spot called KB Kopitiam, a new and modern style kopitiam, not bad lah but my wife and Mek Ta love the "teh ais" and "kopi ais" recpectively.

The two bots as usuall, harassing the people around. Luqman even called the owner "Atuk" repeatedly and everybody was looking at us. Malik caused the "botol kicap" spilled over the table. Haiya, definitely Decipticons and not Autobots nihhh ...

But we managed to get some happy faces on the camera, with Malik also took a few snaps for us with shaky hands. Good job!



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