What About Men and Cars

This is a theory that i promised a friend to write about (seems like my blog is gaining popularity, duh!). Nothing fancy but truthfully spot on.

Men naturally are so into cars; be it a student, executive, teacher, uncle, uztaz or Dato' Seri (maaf Dato'). These men painstakingly drill into magazines, talk to friends, ask their love ones and even their pets, just to make sure that they will find the right car. It takes years of searching, and soul searching too. Ironically, an independant survey in the UK (sorry i dont have a link to prove) revealed that men consider the new car as 'new' for only 7 months. On the 8th month, they start looking at the latest cars, buying car magazines, going to auto shows etc.

This survey shows that men can't stick to something or let subtitute the car with a person; for more than 7 months. How true when it comes to relationship, love and marriage too.

So ladies, be carefull when you reached the 8th month of your relationship, engagement or marriage. Men are just being men.

.n.g. (just another man in town)


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