What AP?

AP is nothing new to me. We bring millions worth of radar and radio equipment and naturally this requires AP or Approval Permit. With a single letter or we call it End-User Statement from the government, it takes less than a week to get the AP.
AP is just a piece of paper.To the public, AP sounds like a 'holy' word. Understandably,they always associate AP with imported cars. It seems that whoever can get hold of this piece of 'toilet paper', they can make money by selling it to those who genuinely want to bring in the cars.
OK, where am i going with this entry? There are AP holder who sell AP in bulk, especially to car distributor such as DRB-HICOM (Honda Jazz is imported from Thailand) or AutoConnexion (Ford Focus is from the Phillipines). But this same AP holder also sells to small time car importers for 5 APs or more. This is what being practice in the local AP society.
When someone comes to you and said he only sell AP for say 200 APs and above. It sounds fishy. My THEORY is, this person will not sell in small numbers because, once the buyer noticed that they are being cheated, he can only run away with only a small amount of money. If the AP cost 30k, for 5 APs just give him 150k of money to run away. it is not worth it and most likely u can only survice for a year in Thailand. But for 200 APs, he can get 6 mil to runaway with. Does this make sense??
Renung-renungkan lah dan selamat beramal!! ;-)
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