Atom Smasher: the Big Bang Machine

I read the morning news today with mixed feelings; happy because such a gigantic leap in science has been achieved; sad because a disaster can happen anytime. Imagine smashing 2 proton beams inside a 27-km long underground tunnel, beneath the French-Swiss border at the speed of light. The machine is called Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

The idea is to re-create the Big Bang explosion that the scientists believe as the origin of the universe. I do not know the details of the experiment, but it does sound scary. The experiment is conducted by scientists at the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) and cost a whopping USD10 billion!!

A Big-Bang beneath the mountains of French-Swiss border? I will not go near any of those countries. :)

Renung-renungkan lah, dan selamat beramal!!

p/s: will try to catch 2012 this week, probably related to this experiment?



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