Finally i managed to get the ticket for the show. It was B13 2nd row from the screen at 11:15am Saturday morning show. Crazy isn't it? OK don't ask me why i didn't book online as i thought for a movie that has been screened for more than 17 days will not have such a crowd.

2012, AWESOME! Yes, the digital effects were superb to the maximum. Even though Revenge of the Fallen was quite OK in terms of the effect, 2012 has more 'contents' in it. ROTHF is more like watching 'besi bergumpal-gumpal berlawan sesama sendiri' as uttered by friends.

The story line is more or less the same as Deep Impact and the Day After Tomorrow; it is about family values and friendship. Kind of ironic as we value family, friendship as when we are facing troubles.

While i was in queue for the ticket (read: singular @ watching alone), i heard this few girls behind were saying, "alaa, must get the tickets for New Moon jugak .. jangan la habiiisss" .. i was like, heeyyy .. book online lah!! :-)



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