Crazy or Not Crazy?

Through out my life, i came out with many crazy ideas. Most of the time out of nowhere. The most frequent and famous of all time is from within the toilet. Yes, toilet or a better word should we say the "restroom" (for the sake of younger reader ie. 27 and below).

Somehow, for those who don't really know me, they once labeled me as "strange", "weird" and "slow". OK, we are here not to talk about what those people think, but rather on how my instinctively crazy weird idea is somehow accepted by a friend! Yes, i told him to write a book, and he was like jumping up and down on this simplest idea. Strange but true! (so can i say he is as crazy as i am?)

What would be more exciting is that i would be writing probably a few lines for every chapters or may be on some arrangement that we have not decided. We'll see then how it goes.

So where's the manuscript my friend?!!



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