When Someone Screwed Up

It's a RM2.8mil contract to a French company. Do you know how long did it take for me to finalize the contract agreement? two weeks of sleepless night!! And someone that was supposed to format the document took the older version, format that document and converted to PDF. I was preoccupied with something else and didnt have time to check. Consequently we sent the wrong document to Paris.

I had to call the Sales and Marketing Director of Sofrelog, an EADS company to apologize on the mistake. Luckily he accepted my explaination, simply because we have been working together for the last 4 years.

My lesson today, check every single document before sending out though you have given the right document first time. People tend to screw up as they don't really care. They are not in charge but YOU are!

This is my second entry today. That shows how stressed i am today! Well, seems that Chuck Season 2 is a good program to watch now.

A Bientot!



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