The Devil Inside

Waahhh .. sound like a title of new movie .. except it is not. It is just another 10 days before the new year and i do annually recap back what had happened in the past years. Just like a bad VCR (OK i know some of you belum lahir masa technology VCR menjadi kegilaan in early 80's), my rewind tape had gone back to as old as mid 90s.

Gosh, how i was stupid (and not wise) at that time and naive, ie lurus bendul. Today, i have learned that for every relationship, whether it is good or bad ones, there will always be a third person, literally a person who acts as a devil. And this devil acts in a such way because .. he's a devil.

Let's flashback to those years. (waahh mcm hari in dlm sejarah (80's program on TV1 also))

1995, Leeds, UK - I had a gf who lived across the road .. we were neighbours. One day she told me she wanted to meet a male friend in Manchester that she met on IRC (oh sape2 yg tak tahu pasal IRC go check on WIKI). I was so lurus bendul to let her go there since she said she also wanted to meet her a-level friends. Tup-tup she left me for that guy in a month, got pregnant with the guy on the second month, aborted the baby on the third month and get dump by the guy after the abortion. hhmm, this guy is definite a true devil in disguise.

1999 - Subang Jaya - I had a 19 year old gf (waahh i had a teenage gf!!). She was a law student in UIAM. Being the cutest and most popular in the law faculty, i knew she was too hot to handle. Nevertheless, i just followed the flow. After 2 years of relationship, she started talking about this one senior who had been helping her with notes etc. Being a bit wiser (ehem), i knew things were not going my way. He had the advantage of seeing her everyday in campus, a son of a Datuk who was a Malaysian ambassador in Japan, and he had given her a handphone. Gila ni at that time handphone mahal nak mampos! And the most evil part was, she had called my mom and told her about this guy and how rich the family is. I went to see my mom and she cried because she felt insulted. So the real DEVIL is not the guy himself, but her. NO WOMAN SHALL MAKE MY MOTHER CRIED!! Period! I waited until she asked for the break-off and she did. And she had the courage to ask me why i didnt fight to win her back?, DUH!!

2007 - Shah Alam - I'm married but that does not stop me to have a female friend especially when the friend was an office mate. In the office, it was like no control macho, joke bodoh nak mampos, kutuk2 sama sendiri, exchange movies and mp3 ... we were like a family. Then something was wrong somewhere. She started to avoid me, easily get mad over small matters etc. Only after 2 years  then i know who the devil is .. he is another male colleague who was crazy about her. And this colleague is married with 3 children. This man wasnt in our group of colleagues yg lepak2 kat mamak after work .. so probably he felt left out though he was close to the girl as well. So it was easy for him to create story of me, how i was obsessed about her and how i told about her to other colleagues in Tg Piai.

I gave up to mend the situation, so i just let the thing go. Today, the two of them are officially a couple and i'm not sure whether they plan to get married or otherwise. We'll see.

So there you go. These things definitely had been bothering me for ages. And being able to publish this is a relief. And knowing no one reads my blog except some clueless dudes googled my blog by accident is a blessing.

My final words, you have to live with a DEVIL on your side. This is a sickening truth! No matter how nice you are, no matter what good deeds you have done to this world. And as for me, i am older but wiser as on every January 1st .... I have learned to LET GO :)




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