My Untitled Rojak

I cant sleep until late morning. I took care of Luqman last night; while Malik and the baby were with the mom. So ini lah hasilnya.

Chapter 1

Hari ni terasa nak tulis dlm bahasa rojak, so tak yah susah2 nak pikir pasal ayat2 cantik dan betul. kasi bantai je. Now nampaknya dah ramai yg dtg check blog yg tak seberapa ni .. but i guess some of them are regulars based on the patterns. My blog had reached 1000 visitors this week. So it was a personal achievement to me.

Chapter 2

I am now reluctant to give any advice to anyone, not just yesterday, but for the last couple of months to few friends. My rationale, i could give advice to ppl but i couldn't even advice myself. And even yesterday, my mouth said something but my heart say something else. This unparalleled action felt so weird. i don't want to face that again by giving advice to anyone. it felt so weird. Mungkin lepas ni i bagi advice as in needed basis je .. boleh ke?

Chapter 3

Some people think i spend so much time on the Internet, commenting on ppls' Facebook status and so on. The fact that, i do my work efficiently (bangga sungguh!). As per today, i am managing a RM15 mil project and we have until May 2010 to deliver the surveillance unit to the government. Please bear in mind, this is not project buat jalan atau jambatan kat kampung, which nowadays can cost even more than this. So if u think u can do as what i am doing now, dgn segala hormat boleh hantar CV to my company.

i had installed 6 radar system in Iran back in 2007, and i have this feeling that the CIA does have my name in the database. I was also warned not to go to US at all!

Wah today mmg terasa nak brag about my working life. Yes just becuase for some reason that ppl think i have no work to do but checking on ppl status and comments on FB and blogs.

Chapter 4 (related to Chapter 3)

So now some of u know that i do have work to do, then dont judge me if u dont know me. And I  also have the right to see or meet any of my friends as i wish. And if u dont like it, thats too bad!!

Chapter 5

Yesterday was the first time ever in my life (seriously) that i manage to get a hand on BlackBerry. Sebagai bukti, nak cari 'dot' pun tak jumpa OK .. but i can configure for that someone boleh browse internet (bangga max). Sorry my friend,i am so tempted to brag about this in my entry hehe .. cant really help it! ye la Ah Chong kedai MAXIS pun tak boleh buat OKKKK ... can that carry as extra points?

Chapter 6



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