Babybot Has Landed

I was sitting inside the Masjid for the Friday prayer, and my neck feel stiff, a sign of stress. I didn’t have much work at the office, so it couldn’t be that. My wife called at 5pm saying that she just had an appointment with the O&G doctor, and she said everything was fine. She stressed that her due date would be around 17th December. I always felt that it would be in the first week of December.

She went back to her parent’s house and I as usual, went back to our house in Denai Alam. So I told her to give me a call if anything happened. It was 8pm when I received a missed call, and I return the call to the parent’s house, thinking she would be there. Then Lolo (my sister in-law) said, “She’s gone to the hospital, hurry!”

So I rushed to Selangor Medical Centre, arrived there within 10 minutes. Went straight to the labour room and I said “I knew it it’s gonna be today!”. So I was there besides her all the way, except when I went to the mamak for my dinner because I knew it’s gonna be a long night. The baby was finally delivered at 11:17pm.

A birth is a miracle that happens everyday. I am lucky to be able to witness this for 3 times!! And every time I praised the greatness of Allah, for how something so adorable can come out that way!

Welcome to this world Adlan Rais! I am already in love with you!

This song is so 'kena' with my babybot!

"Some day, when I'm awfully low,
When the world is cold,
I will feel a glow just thinking of you...
And the way you look tonight.

Yes you're lovely, with your smile so warm
And your cheeks so soft,
There is nothing for me but to love you,
And the way you look tonight."



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