Ego of a Man

Malik called me around 7pm and said "Ayah, can you buy me chocolate milk 'coz we don't have it here". I almost wanted to say to him that he could've asked the aunties to buy for him. Instead, as a good father (ehem) i said, "I will come and see you tomorrow and get you the chocolate milk as well".

He hanged up and then i realized, he didn't call me because he wanted the chocolate milk, but because he missed me! Chocolate milk was just an excuse to call me and meeting me tomorrow.

It seems that my son has started to show the sign of an ego as a man. A so much needed ego in every man ;-).

A man will not normally tell a friend if he misses a friend especially a female friend. Sentences like "Jom lepak kat mamak for ..." and "Are you free for makan sedap?" are somehow rather how a man expresses his true feeling. Why is it so difficult for a man to express his feeling? One main reason is the awkwardness of knowing the other friend doesn't feel the same. Man obviously doesn't want to feel "syok sendiri". Even if the person is just a friend.

But what's wrong with "Hey i miss u, are you free for makan sedap?". It would be wrong because the (female) friend might think that the man somewhat is working on the next step i.e. special relationship or sort of. Clearly that's not always the case. Remember woman has this tendency of thinking every man in this world is chasing on to her? And  man somehow has tendency to think that every nice woman around him will think that she is into him?

Nevertheless, my ego has been ruined because i watched Gossip Girl and now 90210!! To my defense, i only have 8TV or ntv7 with clear reception. So don't blame me! :)

Renung2kan dan selamat beramal.

p/s: 'B' is not that bad looking afterall ... LEGEND---DARY!



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