A Trip Back to Kota Bharu

this will be my first trip back to Kota Bharu for almost 1 year. last time was hari raya puasa 2008. mak oi, what kind of son (SOB may b?) am i? yes, i had my reasons. 1st, after raya, i was tide up with projects until Feb 09. then my wife was finishing her thesis until April. then right afterwards i had 3 proposals to do.

now i have to rush back because; puasa is less than a month from now. by raya, my wife's stomach will be bigger, growing and kicking from the inside. i supposed a baby is doing it for fun from the inside. probably testing the wall. and then, durian season is a good thing. my sisters have durian trees just behind the house. this will be a good time to go to White House, Sun Too and Ayam Percik Yatie. Wah, can i do all this in a short time?

We'll see then!


p/s: A red Golf GTI would be fun .. hhhmmm .. plus two game boys in hand.


  1. bawak balik i keropok huhuhuhu.... There is this one usahkan kata underpaid, jobless jugak nih memang teringing makan keropok.

    p/s: I doakan anak #3 you pompuan. barulaaa fun sikit your 2 boys tuh. Nih depa2 berdua jer main robot... so it's good to have periuk and senduk in their choice of toys tau!

  2. aminnnn ... ada daddy's girl sure best nih!
    girl: ayah, nak gi shopping ..
    ayah: jom
    girl: ayah, nak hand phone ..
    ayah: nah, it's yours!
    girl: ayah, nak kawin ..
    ayah: no, no! how old r u? 27? wait till 32!


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