MAS and the Turnaround Plan ala Zarina Anjoulie

This would be weird, because i will be writing about business this time. Those who personally know me, would not find that as strange. MAS had been in trouble for many times. As i would've remembered, they never really had a good time from the day Tajuddin Ramli took over the office. When the government (through Khazanah) took over, it looked promising when Idris Jala took the reign. But the rainbow never did shine through. Idris Jala moved on and new management came in. When Tony Fernandes walked in, i foresee troubles in the making.

MAS has been and will always be the national carrier. It can be profitable for sure. But being national carrier, they have responsibility to the people. AirAsia in the other hand, wants people to believe that they are THE PEOPLE'S CARRIER. They want people to believe that air travel is affordable. But the fact is, air travel is affordable to some but not to the majority. The reason i'm saying this is, how many people actually got the RM9.90 for each flight? Did ever AirAsia tell to the masses that how many of this cheap fair being allocated for each flight compared to the normal fair? And how much cheaper is this normal fair compared to MAS? It is definitely cheaper, but the expense of not getting the thing we hope for a standard flight service makes me will never fly with AirAsia ever again. Again? Yes, i flew with AirAsia before. That makes my experience as valid as can be.

Sometimes i wonder how AirAsia can be profitable. The keyword is PREPAID. It is the same concept as cellular prepaid. One person pays a service that yet to occur. The best part is, one person pays up to 3 months in advance! How i wish to open a restaurant, and get paid 3 months before the diner even taste the food.

The fees paid will go to a specific coffin, where the money grows, ie fixed deposit etc. But ever wonder why there were certain cases when flights were cancelled? A traveller were given choice for another date but some would choose to cancel all together. When you cancel, do you get the refund plus interest for that 3 month period? definitely NO!

And ever wonder why there are so many online coupons such as GROUPON flowerish lately? Same concept for paying in advance. A restaurant could use the advance to pay for a loan hence reduce the interest. Though the revenue will be lower for that period, the opportunity to get more customers to try and promote the place to friends and peers are something worthwhile. VOLUME speaks! -.-"

/> NZM


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