I Don't Want to be a Boring Person

Enough said .. life is too short to be wasted. I want to be someone who had "been there, done that" kind of person. I only have couple of years for active life. I have worked for 13 years now.  Now i feel that i didn't fulfill that 13 years with excitement.

2010 shall be a year that full of active life. I have a friend who runs London Marathon every year. A friend who race in Merdeka Millenium Race. A friend who is a scuba dive instructor. A friend who does vertical mountain climbing with bare hands (no safety harness please). And a friend who travel overseas all the way to bungee jump. Kind of boring if you travel and just shop, see museums and sleep right? And a doctor friend who compete in scateboard Xtreme game.

Now the only snag i have, the injury i sustained form my "extreme sport" still haunted me for years. I know i will not fully recover from the pain,  but i can try. Ever heard of something called painkiller?

"Sleep When I Die"



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