Luqman Is 4!!
It was 1pm on the 9th of October 2005. It was Ramadhan and i need to send Malik back home because we have been waiting in the labour room for like 2 hours now. Well, i was there before when Malik was born and it took more than 4 hours before he showed his head. So i decided to go home and put my head down for just a few minutes before zuhur prayer. Then the phone rang, it was Lolo's voice, "Eh Nini nak beranak dah nih!!".
I rushed back to Pantai Hospital and when i arrived, i see smilling faces but where's the baby? Was it still in there (perut lah)? My mom in-law quickly said, "pegi tengok kat luar tu, dia tgk bersihkan". There he was. Before i could quickly check the fingers, he smiled with 2 dimples! so prominent that i could not stop laughing!
Then i took him and azan on the right side of his ear. I am still searching for the first day photos that we took that day. I lost my handphone and not sure if they are still somewhere on one of the backup CDs.
Anyhow, happy 4th birthday Elhan Luqman.
Ayah loves YOU!!
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