Starting Next Week ...

ok, when i said next week, it means after Raya. These are the things that i plan to do or not to do after raya:

1. Sleep early coz i need to wake up early and feel fresh at work.
2. Read and understand every single things that i do (coz sometimes i dont even know what i'm doing)
3. Slowly moving out to the new house (i like this one)
4. 20mins walk every alternate day after work.
5. Eat fruits in the morning.
6. Take my calcium+vit C drinks once a day.
7. No more Facebook or what so ever unless someone send me a message.
8. No more makan2 sedap that can make me gain back the 2 kilos i lost during puasa.
9. No more super cold ice drink but subtitute with 7 glasses of plain warm water.
10. No more pointless kacau2 member kat gmail/YM especially when they repeatedly write "ttyl" or "busy busy" :-)

The above points should give me strength and focus on the RM15mil project that i am handling.

This blog will be quiet for a while.

Take care and Selamat Hari Raya all!



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